Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Jeremiah 1:4-10

Pentecost +14 - Year C

Jeremiah 1:4-10

We are not stuck where we are. Even though we typically project all possible futures in light of today's limitation, and so settle for a limited tomorrow, this is more connected to our fears than to reality. Again we meet ourselves as our own worst advocate or best enemy who can preemptively disarm our hope.

A new vision and new way of speaking about such is always available.

Here G*D may be appealing to our id more than our super-ego. Reduce your boundary watching and let more energy loose. Dangerous, yes. Necessary for growth, yes. Uncomfortable, yes. Meaningful, yes.

So what boundary excuse have you been using these days? Probably not age, if you are reading this.

One of the best ways around talking ourselves into not proceeding is to gather in a small group able to encourage experiments as well as be in solidarity in the midst of difficult decisions (acknowledging such and working toward addressing them).

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