Thursday, August 02, 2007

Pentecost +10 Sunday – C3

Pentecost +10 Sunday – C3

Years C
Colossians 3:1-11

If you have come to seek, with Jesus, a Presence/Freedom of G*D, then seek. There will be choices to be made about what to attend to during this Neverending Story. Our choice might be attracted by a pull to such a Presence or it might be driven by a fear of wrath to come.

Whichever way you come to the Story, there is a need to jettison such unhelpful pausing points as anger, malice, slander, and abusive language.

These behaviors further separate what is intended to be moving in similar directions. These behaviors keep our desired renewal at bay, so we continue to divvy up our past as though it were fatalistically tied to our future. In so doing "Greek" and "Jew" are eternally divided from one another. "Barbarian", "Scythian", "Slave", and "Free" continue to circle one another with great wariness, each looking to their own advantage.

= = = = = = =

idolatry is greedy
delving into every possible source
of satisfaction
never finding enough

a good gift of sexuality
is devoured until only
fornication is left
to sell cars

an ideal of purity
is thoroughly doused in
unrelenting cynicism
until it forgets itself

enthusiasm for a joy of life
becomes so bored
passion flares
accepting only one side

so gifts ideals enthusiasms
wear down in the face of bottom lines
including the bottom line of death
leaving only greedy idols

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